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firemonkey ListView DynamicAppearance(三)
2017-10-10 12:04:37 】 浏览:1675
Tags:firemonkey ListView DynamicAppearance
phical appearance of the text button object of the list view item.
  • TGlyphButtonObjectAppearance. Describes the graphical appearance of a glyph button (graphical image) of the list view item.
  • DynamicAppearence.png

    You can customize the objects of the item appearance at design time by selecting an object in the StructureView and changing its properties in the Object Inspector. Among the things you can customize, these are some examples: the font type, text size or text alignment in text objects or the button type in button objects. Moreover, you can visually customize the objects of the item appearance enabling the Toggle DesignMode.

    Tip: As you can add as many objects as you want, it is highly recommended to use the  DynamicAppearance with the  Toggle DesignMode enabled.

    Using the Custom Value

    Selecting the Custom appearance value enables the following objects in the item appearance:


    To set the visibility of the desired objects:

    • Enable the Visible property (by setting its value to True) in the Object Inspector for any of the desired objects and modify the properties according to your needs.
    • Enable the Visible property for any of the objects, by setting it to True in the source code.


    AItem.Objects.AccessoryObject.Visible := True;


    void __fastcall TForm1::SetEditItemProperties( TItemAppearanceObjects * AObjects) { AObjects->GlyphButton->Visible = true; }

    The Toggle Design Mode

    The Toggle DesignMode allows you to visually customize the item appearance of a ListView at design time. You can select this mode for any ItemAppearance property (CustomDynamicAppearanceListItemImageListItem, etc.).

    Tip: The  Toggle DesignMode is highly recommended when using the  DynamicAppearance because the  DynamicAppearance allows you to freely customize the  ItemAppearance.

    To select the Toggle DesignMode, right-click the TListView object in the StructureView or in the TForm and select it. The Toggle DesignMode changes the design-time view of the ListView object from a blank box to a design preview of the ListView item. Then, you can:

    • Visually customize the item appearance in the form.
    • Visualize the changes that you make to the item appearance properties using the Object Inspector.

    Create a Customized Appearance Class

    You can create and install a new customized appearance class and use it in your design, by installing a new package. This package defines the classes th

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